A novice web developer at JD.com as a software engineer working on Web development, also the member of stylelint.
I usually use JavaScript/TypeScript/Vue in most of my work.
You can get the information of my majority part-time job through GitHub page.
If you're interested in my thoughts on something, please Contact Me.
There are something you might be interested in:
WeChat miniprogram helper. ES6+/NPM Modules/Sass/TypeScript and PostCSS are supported. Visit https://anka.dev for more information if you are interested in Miniprogram development.
Miniprogram user behavior tracking library. Supports task queues, automatically suspended and retry strategies.
Create your Baidu/Google/Gaode map application with same JavaScript code, get rid of different Map library API.
Ingenious JavaScript Carousel powered by wonderful plugins with native-like experience. Lightweight yet extensible. Import plugins as needed, No more, no less.
A mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles.